Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Pengalaman Pager Ayu

First of all, for people who don’t know what does a Pager Ayu do, I’ll give a quick explanation to you guys. Basically, Pager Ayu is a job where you get dressed (using make up, high heels and such) at a wedding and you have to stand at the wedding gate, guide the guests to their designated seats. The Event Organizer usually will give you a map of tables, so you will know which guest belongs to which table number.

Nah, last Saturday, I got the opportunity to be a Pager Ayu at a wedding. First, I thought it was a fantastic idea since I get to be dressed prettily, eat delicious food and last but not least, earn some money for myself! I’m like, gurl, this job is daboooommmmm.

Then the day had finally came. JENG JENG JENG JENGGG! I arrived at the hotel and went to the toilet where the Pager Ayus should dress themselves.
And that’s when it hit me.
1.       I don’t know every single person in that toilet.
2.       I’m not exactly skilled to do my own make up.
3.       Since it’s my first time to be a Pager Ayu, I know nothing about that job.

I was standing there in the middle of the toilet. All around me were girls that sat on the floor and did each other’s make up. I put my bags on the floor and stood up awkwardly while some other Pager Ayus were giving weird looks at me.

I quickly grabbed my make up pouch and started to do my own make up. And that’s when a thousand thoughts swarmed in my head.

Like, mikir apa lu, Jen. Gak kenal siapapun yang Pager Ayu hari ini tapi tetep nekat dateng. Salah lu sendiri kan sekarang jadinya lu make up awkwardly in front of a bunch of strangers. Mau kenalan jugak kagak bisa, semuanya pada sibuk dandan masing-masing. Kan gaenak kalo ganggu.

Trus juga, kayak lu jago aja make upnya. Sekarang lu stuck gak bisa make bulu mata sendiri. Mau minta tolong siapa lu, orang gak kenal siapapun.
Those thoughts and a thousands more swam around in my brain. 

But then, a girl said hi to me and said, “Udah selesai makeupnya?”
“Udah, cuma gakbisa pakek bulu mata. Hehehehehee…” I said then grinned like an idiot.
“Wah make up kamu kurang tebel, sini aku tambahin yaa..”

At that time, I know that she doesn’t even know this. But I felt like I wanna hug her and said thankyou countless of times. It’s like she’s an angel that decided to help a stranger whose name she didn’t even know. She did my make up and helped me to wear the fake eyelashes. She even gave me instruction, which clothes should I change to, etc. 

I did my job pretty well, since it’s not that hard of a job, just guiding guests to their seats. But then my feet started to hurt since I’ve wore high heels for too damn long. My head started to spin since that girl before put my hair in a bun too tightly. But the most annoying thing was, I started to feel like I wanna throw up for I hadn’t eat a thing since 2 pm and it’s now 8pm. (Fyi, gue punya penyakit maag yang lumayan parah)

I started to go back and forth from the wedding gate to the toilet, I threw up a few times (muntah asam lambung). I even felt like I was about to pass out. Plus I’m getting too tired to stand up while using high heels, since I’ve been using high heels for 3 hours straight WITHOUT A CHANCE TO SIT DOWN. Because if I sit down, the Event Organizer would scold me or even got angry at me.

At 9 pm, our job was finally done and we got to change to our own outfits. At 10 pm, the EO FINALLY gave us something to eat. And last but not least, we got our fee. Gaji Pager Ayu nggak setinggi yang kalian bayangin. It’s Rp 55.000. 

But after that day, I started to not waste my money that easily. Misalnya kalo mau nonton kan biasanya 50rb, jadi ragu ngeluarin uang soalnya udah capek-capek sampe muntah pas jadi Pager Ayu dapetnya 55rb.  I’ve learned that earning money it’s not that easy. It’s a damn hard work.  

So guys, I just want to say, please use your money thoughtfully. Because..really, our parents have worked their asses off for that.

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