Monday, July 28, 2014

Why did I write?

To be honest, I wrote since I’m on 7th grade (now i’m on 11th grade) and back then I decided to write because I read too many fanfiction and thought that I should make one by myself. My first story? Don’t ask me about that. It’s too embarrassing for me. I wrote it in Indonesian with slang words and cliche plot story. I’ve already deleted it, btw.

From writing fanfiction, then I decided to write some serious stuff. I wrote some mystery story and short story that ended abruptly (some didn’t even have an ending). But from it, my grammar seemed to improve and I used more rare plot story. I also wrote many novels till now.

And then here I am now, writing this
But then I think again, above is the answer of why I literally started to write. But why I’m still writing stories till now?

Why I’m not getting bored of it?

When I think about it, I wrote stories because it can make me be someone else for a little time. I could make a world that I could call my own, where happy ever after is a must.

Also, some of my friends who read my stories sometimes asked “What will happen next?”

I just shrugged and smiled. Because I, myself still didn’t know what will happen next. I, myself sometimes get surprised with where my story will go. And that’s the magic of writing, sometimes you get surprised with the story that you wrote by yourself and it’s fun.

You wouldn’t understand this feeling if you didn’t write by yourself.
But I can tell you the example. It’s the same feeling when you’re out of money and you surprisingly find $5 in your own back pocket. It’s like a surprise from you to you (?)

And that’s what my stories always do to me.

Maybe many people thought that writing is a skill that everyone in this whole world have. It’s not a special talent or a gift. I’m not disagreeing with that, because I also think that way for countless of times. But I’m not going to stop to write just because of that.

I do what I like to do. I do what I love to do.

And I love writing.

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