Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Nah, kidding. I am a nerd.
Well, I declared myself a nerd according to a definition of Nerd that I found on the internet;

nerd\noun \ˈnərd\

1.)    a person who behaves awkwardly around other people and usually has unstylish clothes, hair, etc.

I am awkward. Especially around people. New people. Old people that I knew and I accidently meet. Old people, literally. Well, maybe except my close friends, oh you know, they’re people too.
I also has unstylish clothes. My clothes in generally are T-shirts, jeans, shorts and.... T-shirts?
And my hair. Don’t get me start with it. It’s so thick and frizzy and messy.
Well, according to that definition of nerd, I gladly accept that I am one.

Then.... I found another thing about Nerd at Wikipedia that made me stupefied for a moment. I’ll copy all of it, but you just need to read the bold words.

Some interests and activities that are likely to be described as nerdy are:

-          Intellectual, academic, or technical hobbies, activities, and pursuits, especially topics related to science, mathematics, engineering, linguistics, history and technology. (See below)

-          Hobbies, games, and activities that are described as obsessive and "immature", such as trading cards, comic books, fantasy and science fiction novels, television programs and films, role-playing games, tabletop games, and video games. (See below)

-          Interest in the fine arts, non-mainstream music such as classical, techno, or folk music, hobbies (i.e., collecting), or other "obscure" interests.

-          Heavy obsession with a topic that would otherwise be mainstream (such as a popular TV show or a sport).

And after reading that, I kinda mad. At Wikipedia. Well, Wikipedia is still my life savior. It helped me with many assignment and homework and such, but come on! I still am mad at Wikipedia.

Wikipedia clearly stated that reading comic books, fantasy and science fiction novels are immature. Come one, book lovers, bibliophile or whatever it’s called, do you agree with that?? That reading fantasy and science fiction novels are immature? I, Jennifer Elim in the name of Divergent series lovers, Harry Pottah lovers and many more, bravely and couragely stated that we are not immature. *bah*

Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little bit. Or a lot. But that’s not my point. Just because we read fantasy and science fiction, doesn't mean we're immature. It had many factors. Many people despise us, nerds, because they think that we don’t have a life. We just read and read and read. But they just don’t know that we choose to read books because we choose to have many lives. We choose to travel a lot, travel to new places, travel through time. And we can do all of that by reading a stack of paper with words on it. Books.

But if reading books make me a nerd and even maee me immature, I once again stated, that I gladly accept it, because of my love for those stupid stacks of paper that makes me laugh, cry and stay up all night everyday. Because of my love for books.


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