Thursday, January 12, 2017

New Year's Resolution Is (Not) Bullshit

New year's resolution is not bullshit if you dream of doing something realistic.

So, instead of “I wanna make change to the world” or “I want to be a millionaire”, just make a realistic new year's resolution for 2017.

For example, me. After having a long time to think, I finally decided my new year's resolution for 2017. It’s something simple yet realistic enough to achieve.
“To be more independent.”
Sounds cheesy and not important? Not at all for me.

Because I’m a hella dependent person. I feel so so so insecure to be all by myself. It’s as if I will always need a friend to accompany me. For example, I always feel the need to call at least one of my friend every single night. This takes to another level when I even feel the need to watch a movie together with my friends through skype. (Yeah, skype can do that. It’s called the sharing screen fiture. Skype is daboom, guys.)

And when my friends don't reply my text for a day, I get so worried by the fact that I might do something wrong to them. Or when my friend update their instagram instead of replying to my message, I always overthink. But really, they might just be busy or doesn't feel like chatting. Yes, I am this dependent to others. And yes, I know exactly that I need to change this attitude of mine.

To make my resolution a realistic one, I need to have plans to fulfill it.

1.    I have to take myself out on a date.
It’s not at all shameful to go to the mall by yourself. It’s not at all shameful to eat inside a café by yourself. It’s called ‘me time’.
I have to learn that being alone is not a bad thing, and that it’s sometimes even necessary to just be all by yourself.

2.    Distract myself from trying to call my friends.
I have to find distraction that stop myself from calling others. Such as, watching dramas, engulf myself with a lot of works, talking to my family, etc.
And so far, it’s working well.

3.    Slowly change my mindset.
To love myself and not to feel insecure by being alone.

Those are all concrete steps that I can think of to be more independent in 2017. I realized that I can’t forever be dependent to others. The only person that I can count on by the end of the day is just myself.

How about you? What is your new year's resolution for 2017?

Go make a realistic one and create concrete steps to achieve it!

And also do not forget to execute it, because that’s what matters most. Wishing you a life-changing year ahead, peeps!


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